Built: 1999
Model: Active
Production Number: 493
Color: Red
Propulsion: Hybrid (Electric + Pedal)
Max Speed: 55mph
The history of TW493 is a bit complicated. It was built under the SLEM (Swiss Light Electric Mobile). The history that I've heard is that it was assembled by someone in the US. The company never completed it, and sold off the parts. It ended up in Indiana where it was completed. The Twike was used in Ohio for a number of years till the batteries died. When the batteries died, it sat in a garage for about 5 years.
I have taken on the task of repairing and rebuilding the batteries, and hopefully using it as my daily commuter.
If you want to go for a ride, Shoot me a message on the Twike Website. Just put a note about "TWIKE in KC" and I'll get the message.
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